Architect Jeanne Gang argues that the agricultural technique of «grafting» can help building design adapt to climate change. French-language edition.
Jeanne Gang, one of America's most distinguished contemporary architects, proposes using the ancient plant-cultivation technique of grafting in both architecture and urban design as an effective strategy to address the urgent issue of climate change. Grafting is the biological process of connecting two separate living plants so they can grow and function as one. This ancient practice continues to be performed today in search of more fruitful, palatable, and resilient varieties of plants.
Grafting is also an incredibly useful and untapped paradigm for how architecture can begin to cope with climate change on a broader, more impactful scale because it is predicated upon our existing building fabric. The term «grafting» has the potential to inform architecture across many scales, provoking the imagination and shaping tectonic, programmatic, formal, and regenerative adaptations. -
First monograph on the work of Paris-based design and research firm LAN (Local Architecture Network)
Features LAN?s 28 key designs to date through photographs, plans and concise texts
LAN is one of the internationally most recognised French firms of the younger generation
LAN?s previous books Paris Haussmann and Napoli Super Modern are ongoing major international successes
Benoît Jallon and Umberto Napolitano founded their Paris-based design firm LAN (Local Architecture Network) in 2002 with the aim of researching architecture at the interface of several disciplines. This broad approach enables them to find new and unconventional solutions in response to social, urban, ecological, and functional challenges. Their designs include a vast range of typologies and functions at various scales. They have realised buildings in France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, and Slovenia, and are also pursuing projects in the Middle East and Japan.
In addition to their award-winning structures, Jallon and Napolitano have earned wide acclaim as well for their research work and the two previous books originating from it: Paris Haussmann (2017/2020) and Napoli Super Modern (2020). LAN?28 Projects is the firm?s first monograph, featuring 28 key designs to date through photographs, model photos, drawings, and plans, supplemented by concise texts. -
ABC manuel de pratiques vertueuses pour penser et construire les écoles du futur
Gaetan Le Penhuel
- Park Books
- 15 Mars 2024
- 9783038603481
The French edition of an unconventional guide for revolutionary school design by Paris-based Gaëtan Le Penhuel Architectes & Associés.
Paris-based Gaëtan Le Penhuel Architectes & Associés have made their name in the field with revolutionary designs of school buildings for nearly 30 years. Based on this wealth of experience, Gaëtan Le Penhuel presents ABC: Schools of the Future. Best Design Practices, a compact and charming guide to developing school buildings for the future that meet the needs of students.
Each chapter focuses on one key part of these structures, such as the classroom, the schoolyard, the hallway, the auditorium, and more. In conversation with architectural publicist Alice Dubet, Le Penhuel outlines pathways to better school architecture and points out obstacles to overcome and mistakes to avoid. Quentin Vijoux's illustrations provide easy visual access to the concepts of Gaëtan Le Penhuel Architectes & Associés--not only for architects and teachers but also for students and their parents. -
Today, Dom Hans van der Laan (1904-91) is something of a cult figure of European post-World War II architecture. The Dutch Benedictine monk and architect dedicated his life to the search for fundamental principles of architecture, and his thoughts on numerical relationships and dimensional systems were highly influential in mid-20th-century architectural theory.
A House to Live With is the first book to comprehensively explore van der Laan's residential buildings. Sixteen of them, built between 1966 and 1985, are featured in full detail through photographs and plans newly produced for this book, and analysed with regard to their compositional and design principles. Essays examine the mathematical relationships of numbers and volumes that are fundamental to van der Laan's designs, alongside discussion of how he was influenced by ancient Roman architecture. Light is shed also on the interplay of house and garden and house and patio, and the positioning of the one large table in the house, which to van der Laan was of key significance.
Thoroughly researched and highly readable, this volume introduces Hans van der Laan's architectural ideas and housing designs in full, thus forming a rich and useful source for contemporary architects.
Ce livre retrace l'histoire du relevé dessiné d'architecture, le type de dessin réalisé lors d'une simple visite d'un bâtiment. Avec des oeuvres de la collection Drawing Matter et d'autres ensembles, il explore les différentes formes que peut prendre le dessin d'architecture à travers des études poussées, sur John Soane, Charles Robert Cockerell, Detmar Blow, l'architecte français Louis-Hippolyte Lebas, Henri Labrouste, Eugène Viollet-Le-Duc, l'agence suisse Peter Markli, et de nombreuses agences contemporaines.
Ce petit livre mais de 500 pages recense 176 entrées d'encyclopédie et 13 études de cas sur les structures architecturales et les tactiques spatiales des lieux de manifestation et de résistance, le tout sur plus de 190 ans, de la Révolution de Juillet en 1830 au convoi de la liberté à Ottawa en 2022, en passant par la place Tahrir, le phénomène des Parapluies à Hong Kong ou des ZAD comme Notre-Dame-des-Landes ou Lutzerath.
Features five holiday homes in Sweden designed by Mikael Bergquist, one of the country's leading specialists in small-scale timber architecture
Each house is documented with newly taken photographs as well as plans and sections
Offers a comprehensive survey of contemporary small scale timber construction in Sweden, which is little known outside the country
Sustainable architecture and building with locally sourced materials is highly topical
This book brings together five vacation homes in Sweden designed by Stockholm-based architect Mikael Bergquist. Realised over more than two decades, they are all located in the Swedish countryside and rooted in the Nordic tradition of timber construction and the simplicity and economy of Sweden's historic farm buildings. Bergquist's great attention to detail and careful choice of materials characterise these houses. They are united also by a close relationship to the surrounding landscape and nature, which is enhanced as an experience by the concepts of movement and the placement of passages between the outside and inside.
The houses are documented with photographs as well as plans and sections. In his supplementary essay, Bergquist writes about the special position of working as an architect on the periphery of Europe. He draws a picture of Swedish architecture that is marked by what he calls «fruitful misunderstandings» of current movements, and one in which the poverty of the rural population has been a major factor in the evolution of the design and construction of dwellings. -
ChartierDalix : built work 2016-2021
Frederic Chartier, Pascale Dalix, Sophie Deramond
- Park Books
- 5 Octobre 2023
- 9783038602576
Fondé en 2008 par Frédéric Chartier et Pascale Dalix, le cabinet ChartierDalix, basé à Paris, a déjà 12 années de pratique à son actif et de nombreux prix à son palmarès. Après leur première monographie Hosting Life parue en 2019, cette seconde monographie en 2 volumes contient l'ensemble du travail de ChartierDalix de 2008 à 2022. Elle met à l'honneur 28 projets réalisés à Paris et dans les environs, tous décrits en détail avec des textes, des photographies et des plans. Elle est complétée par un catalogue illustré complet des projets de ChartierDalix depuis 2008.
Re-use in construction a compendium of circular architecture
- Park Books
- 15 Novembre 2022
- 9783038602958
Re-using entire parts and components of existing buildings in the construction of new structures has become highly topical in European architecture discourse. Re-using elements that could last for decades longer, rather than destroying them, offers huge potentials in saving increasingly scarce resources and in cost reduction. Moreover, it makes construction more climate-friendly through deep cuts in energy consumption and the emission of greenhouse gasses. For millennia, disused buildings have been cannibalised for the construction of new ones. Yet in today's world, what is known as circular architecture raises a multitude of questions and challenges with regard to technology, safety, energy, and to legal aspects.
This book is a unique compendium of circular architecture. It explores comprehensively and in detail all the questions and challenges that architects and engineers face with circular architecture designs. It is based on the case study of the K.118 project in Winterthur, Switzerland's largest building to date that consists mainly of re-used parts. Since its outset in 2018, the K.118 project has been evaluated within the framework of an interdisciplinary research with regard to aspects of design and engineering, energy, economy, processes, and legal issues. This volume presents the results in striking visuals and concise essays, supplemented by illuminating conversations between experts. -
Alberto Ponis a bâti en Sardaigne, dans un paysage de rochers oniriques, la maison dont je rêvais. Par toutes ses ouvertures, elle se fond en dégradés dans ce qui l?entoure. Elle assure à chacun des habitants un confort sans lacunes et sans superflu, une indépendance totale, et la possibilité de choisir la compagnie individuelle ou plus nombreuse qu?il désire. Cette phrase de la physicienne française Mioara Mugur-Schächter ouvre la préface de cette monographie qui présente en détail le travail de l'architecte italien à travers une douzaine de maisons individuelles construites en Sardaigne à partir des années 1960.
Boltshauser Architekten, basé à Zurich, qui gère également une succursale à Munich, est l'une des entreprises de design suisses les plus prospères et les plus idiosyncratiques. L'examen précis des matériaux et de leur potentiel constructif se conjugue dans leurs constructions à une profonde compréhension des enjeux écologiques. Beaucoup de leurs projets ont remporté des prix internationaux. Cette publication passe en revue 12 des bâtiments clés et récents de Boltshauser Architekten dans une présentation en trois étapes du plan, de la photographie et du croquis. Les images atmosphériques du photographe d'architecture italo-suisse Luca Ferrario, les dessins artistiques réalisés à la main de Roger Boltshauser, ainsi que les sections, les axonométries et les plans d'étage produisent une image multicouche de l'oeuvre du cabinet.
Un ensemble de cinq volumes est consacré aux bâtiments de la célèbre agence d'architectes zurichoise Steib Gmür Geschwentner Kyburz Partners et à leur passion pour la cuisine. Ils rassemblent des textes sur les différentes pièces qui composent une maison, offrent un aperçu de l'évolution et des méthodes de conception de l'agence et documentent 65 de ses bâtiments et projets clé. 168 appartements sont également documentés, entrecoupés de recettes. Ils présentent aussi les habitants de ces logements et plus généralement les communautés ayant investi les lieux, ainsi qu'une conversation avec les quatre associés de l'agence - Jakob Steib, Patrick Gmür, Michael Geschwentner et Matthias Kyburz.
First monograph on the work of Stockholm-based firm In Praise of Shadows Architecture
Features some 40 of their designs through previously unpublished photographs, plans and drawings, and texts
Sustainability is a core part of In Praise of Shadows Architecture?s philosophy, and the firm has a focus on sophisticated timber construction
Founded by Fredric Benesch and Katarina Lundeberg in 2009, Stockholm-based firm In Praise of Shadows Architecture engages in a wide range of projects of varied scales and typologies. This first monograph on their work features some 40 buildings and projects from the years 2009 to 2024. The selection includes small boathouses and garden pavilions, private homes, and housing developments, as well as retail spaces, schools, and library buildings.
The ideas and designs of In Praise of Shadows Architecture are remarkable, revealed in buildings which share an elegant signature that manifests itself in the choice of materials, the shaping of these, and a focus on spatial experience. Many of them are timber constructions, as sustainability is a core part of their philosophy. Unusually for a group of architects working from Stockholm, Benesch and Lundeberg and their collaborators take a special interest in the famous architectural culture of the Swiss canton of Grisons. -
Claude Parent Paul Virilio : architecture principe
Christian Sander
- Park Books
- 15 Novembre 2022
- 9783038602019
Der eine - der Architekt Claude Parent (1923-2016) - war «dafür gemacht, Formen zu erschaffen», wie sein erster Arbeitspartner, der Architekt Ionel Schein, erkannte. Der andere - der Urbanist Paul Virilio (1932-2018) - suchte die Atlantikküste nach Bunkern und die Nachkriegsstädte nach «Antiformen» ab. Zusammen bildeten Parent und Virilio von 1963 bis 1968 das Duo Architecture Principe, das mit seiner Theorie einer schrägen Architektur (fonction oblique) und der Kirche Sainte-Bernadette du Banlay in Form eines Bunkers eines der kontroversesten Bauwerke des 20. Jahrhunderts schuf. Dieses Buch widmet sich erstmals der Entstehungsgeschichte von Architecture Principe. Es untersucht dabei Parents Entwicklung vor dem Hintergrund der architektonischen und künst-lerischen Diskurse, mit denen sich der Architekt vor seiner Zusammenarbeit mit Virilio beschäftigte. Das Duo Architecture Principe bedeutete eine Zäsur in Parents Schaffen, während es im Gesamtwerk von Virilio eine weitgehend unbekannte Frühphase darstellt, die bereits Elemente seiner viel diskutierten Geschwindigkeitskritik (Dromologie) enthält.
Sigurd lewerentz pure aesthetics : st. mark's church 1960
Bjorkquist K/Corbari
- Park Books
- 22 Juillet 2021
- 9783038602439
Cette monographie de bâtiment se concentre sur une construction emblématique de la modernité par l'architecte suédois Sigurd Lewerentz, l'église Saint-Marc, érigée en 1960 dans le quartier de Björkhagen à Stockholm. En quelque 300 photos couleur et avec des plans explicatifs dessinés spécialement pour cette édition, l'ouvrage revient sur ce bâtiment aujourd'hui considéré comme un chef d'oeuvre brutaliste d'architecture sacrée.
Dutch dwellings the architecture of housing
Dick van Gameren
- Park Books
- 15 Novembre 2022
- 9783038603047
Dick van Gameren, a partner with the renowned Dutch architecture firm Mecanoo, has been engaging in housing design for the past 25 years as part of his work as designing architect as well as his research and teaching at TU Delft's Global Housing Study Center. In this book, he presents some 40 of his own projects in this field through concise texts and photographs with explanatory captions as well as through plans and drawings. They're grouped to illustrate seven specific aspects of housing design: Streets and Squares, Courtyards and Patios, Gardens, Halls, the Fireplace, Walls, and Roofs. Together they constitute a multi-faceted catalogue of housing typologies.
In four supplementing essays, van Gameren explores evolutions in residential architecture in the Netherlands. He places his own concepts in context of these developments and expands on what he considers the key factors of good housing design. A particular focus he puts on affordable housing, a pressing issue in so many countries and metropolitan areas around the world.
Dutch Dwellings is an inspiring read for anyone involved in housing design today. -
Hermann Czech, né en 1936, est l'un des architectes et théoriciens autrichiens les plus éminents et les plus influents. Ce livre est l'édition anglaise mise à jour et augmentée tant attendue de la seule monographie complète sur Hermann Czech à ce jour. Publié pour la première fois en allemand en 2018, il va bien au-delà d'une simple présentation des bâtiments et des projets d'un cabinet d'architecture. Un index complet de ses bâtiments, projets et écrits, un essai de la philosophe viennoise Elisabeth Nemeth et une introduction de l'historienne de l'architecture Liane Lefaivre complètent ce volume.
First monograph on San Francisco- and Oslo-based design firm Mork-Ulnes Architects
Explores the firm?s approach in a reflective manner that is structured around themes of materials, traditions, sustainability, scale, and light
Richly illustrated with photos, visualisations, plans and sketches, many of which are previously unpublished
Mork-Ulnes Architects is an internationally operating architecture firm with offices in San Francisco and Oslo. Since its founding by Casper Mork-Ulnes in 2005, the firm has built on three continents and worked on projects at a variety of scales, from master plans and mixed-use buildings to ground-up residences and 100-square-foot cabins. They approach projects with both Scandinavian practicality and a Californian can-do spirit of innovation, resulting in buildings that are characterised by both playfulness and restraint.
The Craft of Place is Mork-Ulnes Architects? first monograph. In a reflective manner structured around themes of materials, traditions, sustainability, scale, and light, this work explores the firm?s approach to integrating architecture within diverse environments. The book delves into their method of balancing object and landscape, an approach rooted in the distinct cultural topographies of California and Norway, discussing as well the influence of local vernacular and materials.
The beautifully designed and lavishly illustrated volume showcases Mork-Ulnes Architects? dedication to detail, context, and the evolution of their architecture through the interplay of tradition and innovation. -
Kalter krieg und architektur beitrage zur demokratisierung osterreichs nach 1945
Platzer M
- Park Books
- 17 Octobre 2019
- 9783038601685
Modersohn and freiesleben reality /anglais/allemand
Modersohn Johannes/F
- Park Books
- 22 Octobre 2020
- 9783038602156
Une monographie sur l'agence Berlinoise Modersohn & Freiesleben Architects fondée en 1994. Connus pour avoir réhabilité la gare de Potsdamer Platz, le bureau a réalisé de nombreux batiments modernes de la capitale allemande. Mélant archives, réalisations et projets, cet ouvrage revient sur l'histoire de cet agence en même temps qu'elle se mèle à l'histoire de l'architecture Berlinoise des années 1990.
Archetypes présente une série récente de l'artiste canadien David K. Ross, qui travaille à l'interface de la photographie, du film et de l'installation. Ses images de maquettes architecturales, mises en scène de nuit avec un éclairage dramatique qui isole les structures de leur environnement, proposent une forme de proto-architecture et une nouvelle façon de concevoir la pratique architecturale en documentant et en encadrant ses aspects invisibles. Archetypes va au-delà d'une simple compilation artistique des technologies et des typologies de construction en offrant une plate-forme efficace pour examiner ce que signifie préconstruire des fragments de bâtiments dans toute leur complexité.
Cette monographie est consacrée à l'agence zürichoise Duplex, qui a également des bureaux à Düsseldorf, Hambourg, et Paris depuis peu. Reconnue pour ses constructions d'habitat en Suisse et en Allemagne, l'agence présente ici 5 projets en détail avec des plans, des photos de Ludovic Balland et ses recherches de matériaux pour donner à voir la spécificité de ses méthodes et sa vision de l'urbanisme.
A celebration of the Mapei Football Center's pioneering architectural concept, which makes its facilities available to the general public.
Milan-based architecture firm Onsitestudio has designed a new training campus for the Italian Serie A soccer club US Sassuolo Calcio. Located in the town of Sassuolo, and inaugurated in 2019, it is a functional-modernist yet highly atmospheric structure that provides the professionals of US Sassuolo Calcio with state-of-the-art training facilities and offices. As part of a pioneering social engagement of the club, its playing fields and other amenities are also available to local amateur teams and for recreational sports.
This book features the Mapei Football center through newly taken color and black-and-white photographs by Stefano Graziani and Filippo Romano, as well as floorplans, sections, and construction detail drawings. Complementary essays are contributed by Onsitestudio's founding partners Giancarlo Floridi and Angelo Lunati, British historian and football expert John Foot, and Italian architect and intellectual Pier Paolo Tamburelli. -
All under one roof revolutionising basel's military barrack
- Park Books
- 15 Février 2023
- 9783038602569
In a complex transformation, the Basel-based architecture firm Focketyn del Rio Studio converted the main building of Berlin's former military barracks into a vibrant cultural and creative hub. Situated on the embankment of the Rhine, already a nightlife hotspot, it offers some 32,000 square feet of work and project spaces, a spacious plaza, a theatre hall, as well as a bar and restaurant.
All Under One Roof documents the building's new architecture in detail and tells the story of Focketyn del Rio Studio, which won the competition for rebuilding the Kaserne Basel. Interviews, concise texts, photographs, as well as plans and drawings, provide insight into the evolution of the project, the history of the old barracks, and the process of its redesign. In addition, it uses the barrack conversion as a way to discuss key questions about the design and use of urban public spaces more broadly.